this is a real story
about somebody's life
well, just call her Dessy
entitled .... Father

23 years ago, in a cold city named Bandung, was borned a girl, then his father gave her a name. Her name was Dessy. Dessy was raised in an authoritative way, that made her personality to be
dissidents and rebels. She often against her parent, and everyday she had to undergo a life full of pressure. As a daughter, Dessy hated her father more than anything, even she ever thought "one day if I could be a successful person, I'd dump my father far away from my life" and the worst she ever wished that her father would die quickly. so she could be freed from her suffering. Days went by, and the more she hated her father, all the things bout loving parent was bullshit to her, she didn't even care what her teacher said about parent's love, and child dedication. Her heart had been frozen like ice, and it couldn't be melted.
Till one day, she was challenged by priest, to knee three times in front of her parent. If her parent didn't love her, then they wouldn't give a damn to what she did, and the priest would confess that he's wrong to Dessy. Then she went home in a rush to prove that she was right. But what happened? The man she hate the most, he shed a tear in front of her... She asked herself, why did he cry? he must be laughing because I was lost by kneeing in front of him... why?
After that, Dessy started to behave better, she stopped lying and swearing to her father. She started to learn how to love her father and started to read some books of child dedication. But there is something that she never understood, the word "Dharma" in the book she red. (Dharma means the teachings of truth in Buddism).Then she joined a Buddhist foundation, and she changed. Her stubborn personality began to fade. She regretted her deeds and her negative thought all this time, her frozen heart started to melt little by little...
One day she joined a camping from the Buddhist foundation. She was asked to write a love letter to her parent, content of her apologize to her parent for all she did. But she hid it in her drawer because she was too shy. But she promised herself that she would gave it to her parent at the right time.
In one evening, Dessy saw her father was so tired from working, then Dessy approached her and gave him a head massage. The next day, Dessy was planning to read the letter she wrote and tell about her feeling to her parent. But she didn't know why, she felt kinda worry that day. Her father went to work, but... He never came back... because he went forever... Dessy got the message, that her father was passed away by a traffic accident. This shocked Dessy and she would never be able to read her letter to her father....She was so sorry, and she wanted to say sorry to her father... but it was too late...
The big guy who scared her, now had gone.. In a flash she'd never see his smile anymore...
a sad story? yup, just say reading the story I can say that we should do what we can do now
don't waste your chance, you just got one life...
don't waste it....
don't too carried away by the things you had lost.... because you still have someone who love you now...
by the things in the past you had done wrong... let it be an experience for you
just move on, there are lot of things waiting for you...
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