a time for Christmas... this tale happened a long long ago...

before that let's answer some questions first..
first, what is Christmas? you can answer it yourself...
me myself, think it's the day when Jesus was borned...
so here's the story... but before that... a little late maybe, but just merry Christmas dear readers
what the title of this story? it remains unknown....
Long ago in a faraway land...called the Shivers Village
Lived a small family consist of 3 people, they were daddy named Skeeter, mother named Annabelle, a three years old son named Jack and a dog named Franklin.
They're poor.. but although they're poor, they're happy, why? because they loved each other. Every morning, dad woke up and did his job. he's a firewood collector, he collected firewood and them to the market in town for rice. While mother was doing her job taking care the household and the son. how bout the dog? it hunted some animal in the forest for the meal too.
A small and poor happy family. They always celebrated Christmas together every year. They did what normal family did for their Christmas. Like changing present, greeting each other and anything. And guess, Christmas was coming at that time. It's one week before Christmas, daddy started to save some money to buy some present for his family. That was the first time for Jack to celebrate his very first Christmas. He even didn't know what Christmas was. then, curiously he asked his mother, "Mom, what is Christmas?"....
"well son, Christmas is the day when we celebrate the birthday of our savior Jesus Christ", the mother reply. "Then... when does this guy Jesus was borned?", innocently he asked his mommy once again. Annabelle told her "He's our mighty savior, He's the son of God, and he'll always be here in your heart." the mother reply again.
But Jack still curious, then he went to his father and asked him the same question. "Daddy, what is Christmas?".... "um. Christmas is a day when we're happy, a day when love is everywhere, and a day when we exchange present with our family and friends, because it's the day when our savior Jesus borned to this world", the father said.

Then Jack tried to find some present that he could give to anyone at home with his beloved dog. He got no idea where to find this present. He went through the forest, he found a garden full of beautiful flower, he stopped and picked some, he thought "this is for my mommy". One down two more to go, he kept walking, then he arrived at a farm, he saw an old guy and a pile of straw. Suddenly, he thought of an idea, "hey, I can make this stray a warm bed for Frank" then he asked the old guy for the straw. The old man, gave him the straw because it had no use for him anymore. The last gift, it's for his daddy, he kept walking and found something shiny under a tree, it's a gold bar!!! He brought it all home and wait for kept it, he couldn't wait for Christmas to come. One day before Christmas, it was late at night, but the father still not returned to home. Everyone worried, and started lookin for Skeeter, and they found him collapsed under a pile of snow when he tried to reach the firewood.
They brought Skeeter to a clinic, unfortunately, he's not okay and he's still unconscious. That year was the first year they didn't celebrate Christmas eve, they spent their time in the clinic. Of course everyone was very sad, especially Jack, his very first Christmas was nothing, and his father was dying. Everyone prayed for Skeeter's recovery, Jack prayed to Jesus, he said "Jesus, if you're really a savior, please save my daddy, because I love him so much and I'd like to tell him Merry Christmas". Two days later, Skeeter woke up... it's a miracle a man near his dead woke up...., and everyone's so happy. The first thing that Jack did was, told his father "Merry Christmas Daddy..." and gave him the present he kept. He gave his mother and his dog their present also. That night they celebrate their Christmas in the clinic and they felt so happy...
....The End...

well, you all have your own reason and answer right?
but... for me, it's never too late to celebrate Christmas...
what's Christmas once again? the day when Jesus was borned, it's not what happen 2000 years ago at December 25th in a sheep barn
let me ask you one more thing, when was Jesus borned?
it's when a cry turn into a smile
a hatred turn into love
a death turn into life
it's when miracle happen
it's when miracle happen
it's when you believe that Jesus is in your heart...
just to be like that.... Jesus is borned... inside your heart...
everytime that happen... it's Christmas right?
Merry Christmas Everyone
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