she escaped from her house... just because of one simple reason...
she fought with her mother and got away from home...
this is a story... maybe you ever heard it somewhere...
but... I create this myself, and adopted a little from that story..

just imagine that you're a garbage...
if someone threw you on the street, you never know who you are
or what you are... you're nothing... you're floating out of nowhere...
but, when you're in the trash can, you know that you're a garbage..
although you're so dirty and everyone sees you so low...
and it makes you feel so low, lower than the floor...
at least you know who you are.. and what you are
no matter what's your social degree... or how rich you are...
you still know yourself..."
in that quotes... you pick your own moral value, but...
this is my version... the garbage is someone, and the trash can is your family...
it doesn't matter how poor you are, how weak you are...
when you're in your family... you're someone...
well at least you know who you are....
and for is the most important thing...
here's the story... entitled home..

One day, the husband got so frustrated because he always wanted a son... So they decided to adopt a son... They named their son Prince... Prince lived in the mansion, and his adoptive parent loved him so much...
But he never had a life of a normal kid, he was not allowed to go outside the mansion to play with another kids, it's because his parent didn't want Prince to know that he wasn't their real son... He had a loyal dog named Steven, he played with his dog everyday, he felt so lonely...
It was September 19th, it's Prince birthday, that year he turned to 16... his parent asked him, what did he want for his birthday present... and as the same every year he always asked for something... it's his freedom, he wanted to go outside the mansion, but his daddy got mad on him... The thing he always wanted, but he never got it...
Prince was so sad, but it didn't last long... "why I can't go outside, why my daddy always forbid me" he thought... then, tired of waiting for several years... he tried to find a way out..
Then that day, he escaped by climbing the wall while the guard was careless. He was so happy and ran into everywhere he could... He never been outside the mansion before, so he asked everyone he met about everything strange to him....
Then he arrived in a corner of a street, he met an old guy there... That gramps knew him, and called his name... Prince was wondering, why did that old man know his name.... so he asked that old man... Unbelievable that old man knew everything bout Prince, he told Prince that he wasn't his adoptive parent's real son....
Prince didn't believe it, but the old man story seems like so real to him, and that's the reason why he wasn't allowed to go out... In a rush he ran to the mansion and asked his dad bout his true address... His dad couldn't lie to him anymore, the secret he kept for 16 years it's uncovered... Prince's father told him the truth...
Prince was mad, he was upset... he really wanted to know who was his real parent...
But his adoptive father didn't know where they were now...
Prince was so mad to his father, they fought... His adoptive father slapped him and his cheek... and punished him in his room...
Although his adoptive father was so hard on him, but he loved Prince so much...
Prince was so mad, he really wanted to find his real parent... then he thought of something... He wanted to go on a journey to find his real parent and his real home...
In the middle of that night, Prince escaped once again with the same way... he brought some food supply and his loyal dog with him... He left a message to his adoptive father said "I'm out to find my home daddy... don't worry bout me I'll be alright... thanks for caring me, see you later... your adoptive son... Prince"
Outside he asked everyone about his real parent, but no one knew...
suddenly he remembered the old man he met in the street corner, he went there and find that old man once again... Prince asked him bout his real parent.... the old man told him, to go to the west past through the forest... But in that forest there were a lot of scary beasts... but it didn't make Prince scared, he kept going...
Day by day, turned to months... Prince still couldn't find his real parent... several months later, Prince has traveled every inch of that small country... but he still couldn't find a clue....
"That old guy had lied to me" he thought... Prince became very angry and went back to the street corner where he found that old guy... but... that street corner was empty... no one was there... even since he was 10 there wasn't somebody there... it was a scary place and no one wanted to go there... that what everyone said bout that place...
Prince was shocked... who's that old guy he saw before he left the city? ghost or something? He was confused... he felt so dizzy... then he walked and kept walking... till he arrived in front of a big door...

he felt so afraid to come back... after what he did, he was afraid that his adoptive father would mad at him...
But, boldly he entered the house and found his adoptive father.... When his adoptive father looked at him... he ran to him... the son said that he was sorry but... his adoptive father smacked him so hard...
After his adoptive father smacked him.... he smiled at Prince and hugged him... when his adoptive father hugged him, he felt a warmness he never felt before...
that day.. although Prince couldn't find his real home or parent.... he wasn't upset...
they celebrate new year together.. and..... Prince had just realized... that he was home...
friends, best friends or family.... wherever you celebrate new year... and with whom you celebrate it...
don't be sad... because... whenever and wherever you feel good...
there's your home....
for whoever who can't go back to their home town, or family's house....
just be happy... because whoever you got now.... is your family...
a little too late but... Happy New Year All!!!

a little too late but... Happy New Year All!!!

Jackie Legg's...
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